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[Paroles] I'm Not The One

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[Paroles] I'm Not The One Empty [Paroles] I'm Not The One

Message par Sevan Sam 15 Nov - 0:21

- I'm not the One -

Now you are coming back
From (a) world fallen in black
Land of the tears and depression
Bleeding while you're staring
(At) an old picture of him
Fossilizing on your wall

I'm not the One
Look in my eyes
I can't save you
From what you've been trough
I'm not the one
Watch (the) world outside
Keep me in your heart
Forget the past

Now that he leaves your life
My words have to be knive
Cause I'm not the one who could save you
The sky turns now to blue
As you think what you should do
(the) War took his life but let you

I'm not the One
Look in my eyes
I can't save you
From what you've been through
I'm not the one
Watch (the) world outside
Keep me in your heart
Forget the past

Ladies and gentlemen,
Please never forget the ones who died for you
Heroes are in your heart,not in the books
So close'em all,avoid the fall

Wake up and see
Encircled with me
Listen my wishes
Call Liberty

Messages : 56
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2008
Age : 34


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[Paroles] I'm Not The One Empty Re: [Paroles] I'm Not The One

Message par JEFF Mer 19 Nov - 22:42

De grosses erreur avait été faite sur les lyrics de cette chanson pdt la recopie sur internet, j'ai tt rectifier, enjoy the new version, les seules et unique parole de I'M NOT THE ONE.

Messages : 73
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2008
Age : 36

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